Seats2meet Eindhoven Strijp-S


Torenallee 24, Eindhoven, The Netherlands +31 040 7805039

Workspace+ (0 euro, social kapital) 1 M2
Workspace+ (0 euro, social kapital)


Welcome to the community, we are happy to welcome you! If you book a free workplace you are part of the seats2meet network. You pay with so-called social capital and are open to share knowledge with each other. In return, you can use a workplace in a public space and use coffee, tea and water and wifi. We share abundance. But we don't always have a workplace available. If you want to make use of a workplace, it is necessary to make an individual reservation

Do you prefer to use a closed space and a workplace where you can work in peace? Or do you work with several people or from one company? Then we ask you to rent a room (meeting space), not a workplace.

What do we mean by social captial? That could be anything! For example, actively promote us through your social channels, write a blog about co-working at Seats2meet or an article about something that interests you or your expertise in the online Seats2meet Magazine. Or make your expertise and knowledge available to further develop Seats2meet and the other co-workers at Seats2meet: Connect - Collaborate - Grow!  

The possibilities to actively participate in the eco system of Seats2meet are endless. Upon entering, we are happy to tell you more you about what we can do for each other. You want to grow, we will help you!

Do you have ideas about that too? About things that enhance your growth? For example, because you are looking for a stage, want to gain knowledge or do you have a warm heart for the network in another way? Because yes, who does good, meets good. ;-) We would like to hear it! Especially how we can tackle that together! Will you join us?

  • + investing in your own growth + pay with social kapital
  • + Making new (business) Connections
Book this workplace