Meet the right people at the right place


We believe in the magic of serendipity. Powerful connections emerge when the right people meet at the right time and in the right place.

In the ever-changing world of meetings and work, we forecast and anticipate with great flexibility. We do this with smart solutions and technology for locations and visitors.

For almost 20 years, this has given us energy to connect the Seats2meet network. It's one of our main goals to create unexpected connections and successful collaborations.

What our core values look like


We believe in unexpected but relevant encounters, which is called 'serendipity'. That's why we match you - with the help of our own technology - to other professionals. This way you can meet and encounter inspiring people with relevant skills.


We make sure that you meet the right people, so that chances arise to create something new together through collaboration. To provide a space for this, you can easily book our meeting rooms.


This way serendipity can help grow your plans from just ambitious ideas to succesful initiatives. 1 out of 3 users experiences serendipity at Powered by Seats2meet locations.

Hospitality and tech? A perfect match

Serendipity Machine - A unique algorithm

Serendipity is the catalyst of the unexpected, but relevant encounters of our visitors with other visitors, events and knowledge.
Creating these valuable encounters is not a matter of chance at Seats2meet. We have developed technology that gives the unexpected a helping hand. We call this the Serendipity Machine.

How does this technology work?

We have designed an algorithm that uses user data from the S2M network to provide insight into which knowledge is present where and when. Users can add tags to their profile about their expertise or what they are working on. Based on these tags, the algorithm can make millions of matches, creating a predictive capacity. It determines which people, events and knowledge are relevant to whom. It then offers relevant suggestions. By sharing this with our community, we initiate the right connections at the right time

Free access to coworking places in exchange for knowledge and skills

By providing coworking places in exchange for knowledge, we're building an active and inspiring community in which unexpected encounters and collaboration are key. This type of reciprocity has proven to be of priceless value beyond monetary gain. We call this social capital. Read more about social capital here .

Each location is unique, but they have one thing in common

Within the Seats2meet network of meeting spaces and coworking places, we distinguish two types of locations: Seats2meet locations & “Powered by Seats2meet” locations.
Official Seats2meet locations carry out the identity and vision as described above and use the hospitality platform.
“Powered by Seats2meet” locations have their own identity and business, but are still part of the platform and are committed to the vision.
In total, 200 locations are actively involved in the network.

An expansive online network

The online Seats2meet network platform allows the network to connect with each other. You can check in at locations, see who works where, ask each other questions, share content in the online magazine and organise events. Besides, you can search for professionals from a specific field and approach them.

Our innovative Hospitality platform

In order to offer real-time bookings with dynamic prices, our tech partner Cyberdigma has developed a comprehensive one-stop-shop platform and booking system. Because Seats2meet’s hospitality market is constantly changing, the platform and booking system are constantly evolving as well.

January 19, 2025
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
Meeting and co-working
People checked in on location
People checked in on location

The story of Seats2meet

The only constant factors are connection and change

Seats2meet was founded in 2006 by Ronald van den Hoff and Mariëlle Sijgers. We both have almost 20 years of experience in coworking, hospitality and entrepreneurship. We ran our own venues focused on meetings and events and developed our own hospitality technology. This has enabled us to create a strong network of over 200 venues worldwide and 400.000 bookers and visitors every year.
The market is constantly evolving and so are we! Our network and locations innovate constantly. This adds to the excitement for us and our visitors. Especially because of the hard time Corona brought to our market, we are fully focused again. The locations decide how they want to implement their concept in collaboration with Seats2meet, so every location is different. Though the one thing that connects us is our personal approach.

If you would like to read more about the complete Seats2meet story, please read SEATS2MEET EXPLAINED

Stories about Seats2meet in practice

That was the theoretical part. Here you’ll find a selection of publications and stories about how Seats2meet works in practice:
Fiks | Bouwen aan je StartUp: van struggles tot omzet

Dit is onze eerste ‘Building in Public’ update, waarin we open en bloot vertellen over ons bedrijf. Van groei en nieuwe klanten tot verkeerde keuzes en onze omzet. (Yes, ik ga inderdaad zometeen de omzet delen).

Wat een Click! Een kleurrijk vijftal voegt zich bij Seats

Sinds januari is een vijftal kleurrijke jongeren bij Seats2meet Utrecht te vinden. Het zijn Ahsen, Fatoumata, Tom, Ammar en Remy. Op dinsdag, woensdag en donderdag werken ze mee in het team van Seats2meet. Dat doen ze onder begeleiding van Els, Rosi of Rob, die onder de paraplu van Click Re-integratie werken.

Serendipity; 5 tips voor meer onverwachte, relevante ontmoetingen

We hebben er heel op gebouwd, meer dan 80% van de bezoekers van een locatie ervaart het al, we schreven er een boek over, bouwden er zelfs een tool voor én het is hetgeen wat ons laat bewegen, omdat we geloven dat het ons een beter mens maakt: