Tijd voor Inzicht

Jeudestraat 17, Zoelen, The Netherlands 0646380496

Tijd voor Inzicht
Flexible terms and conditions
Free cancellation
Pay per seat

A place to learn, create, reflect and make real connections. Where you build a bridge between what you find important, your thoughts, behavior and feelings. A place where there is safety, where people feel free, speak sincerely and dare to develop. Where insights arise. I believe that a space can both strengthen and destroy this intention. When I realized that, I knew that one day I wanted to develop my own training space.

INSIGHT is the result of that wish.

It offers a lot of room for breakout possibilities. In addition to the plenary room, you can work individually or in groups in a separate room. Lunch will take place in the Dojo room. When the weather is nice, we open the garden doors and you have lunch in the garden. In our colorful garden you will also find various seating areas to have conversations or work 2-by-2.

INZICHT has 5 types of spaces, with their own character and application options. Something for every training or meeting.

The Circle
De Workshop
The Playing Field
The Country Estate



Address information

Jeudestraat 17
The Netherlands

Phone: 0646380496
E-mail: info@tijdvoorinzicht.nl

Touchee Management Consultancy B.V.

What are you looking for?
Open for meetingspaces
* There may be options on the days that we are closed for meetingspaces. Feel free to contact us.
Open for workspaces

Meeting and coworking in Zoelen