Beyond Limits

Beyond Limits
05 June 2024
16:00 - 20:00
4 sign ups

Inner Leadership in an Exponential World

Don't Miss This Rare Opportunity!

Join fellow conscious entrepreneurs, business leaders, innovators, and students for a transformative evening at "Inner Leadership in an Exponential World," featuring the legendary Federico Faggin, a pioneering physicist and entrepreneur making a rare appearance in the Netherlands for just one week!

Date: 5th of June
Location: Seats2Meet Tilburg Spoorzone
Walk in: 16:15 hrs
Start: 17:00 hrs
End: 20:00 hrs
Price: 22 euro’s incl. BTW and Drinks & Bites (

For those who aspire to create a new world
one step, one project, one company at a time—knowing that real change starts within. Our current global challenges are human-made, and thus, they can be solved by us. As Einstein famously said, “A problem created at one level of thinking cannot be solved by that same level of thinking.” By elevating our consciousness, especially in the era of exponential technologies like AI, we can address these issues.
We are at a unique moment in history. Individually, we have the power to make a difference and to be the change we wish to see in the world. But how? By turning inward and elevating our consciousness, we can play the game on a whole new level.

Featured Speakers:

Federico Faggin: A physicist, entrepreneur, and philosopher from Silicon Valley, known as the visionary creator of the first commercial microprocessor. He founded Zilog and Synaptics, developing neural networks in the '80s and pioneering touchpad and touchscreen technology. Despite his achievements, his inner journey led him to explore the scientific realm of consciousness. Federico's theory suggests that the universe has a purpose, and consciousness is a quantum phenomenon. His insights promise to profoundly empower you.

Jenny Elissen: A successful entrepreneur and celebrated leader in sustainable innovation, and author of "From Big Ideas to Giant Leaps, in a Split Second." Jenny will share her extensive experience in driving sustainable, impactful businesses through her company, Giant Leapers, and her roles as an impact investor and board member. She actively shapes our future world, utilizing innovative strategies and deep insights into our reality.

Event Facilitators

Erwin Steijlen: A true artist who, through his unique Audio Poems, views work, society, the world, and humanity with an artist's perspective, connecting people to their hearts.

Michael J. Dawkins: An idealist who loves offering new perspectives on desired futures that inspire hope.

Why Attend?

Engage with Visionaries: Connect with trailblazers at the intersection of consciousness and cutting-edge innovation.
Learn Actionable Strategies: Enhance your leadership, inspire your team, and navigate the complexities of modern entrepreneurship with renewed purpose and clarity.
Shape the Future: Participate in an immersive experience that helps shape a new narrative of what it means to be human.
Enjoy delicious drinks and bites that will fuel meaningful conversations and help weave a new tapestry of interbeingness. Don’t miss this unique opportunity to reshape your approach to leadership and innovation in an ever-accelerating world.

This event is part of a larger movement—a new story being woven into our collective future. Be part of this transformative evening and help shape the world of tomorrow, one person, one project, one organization at a time. If you feel the calling during or after this evening, you can join the collective journey at Seats2Meet Tilburg Spoorzone in the coming months.

Secure your spot now and be part of something truly revolutionary!

Seats2meet Tilburg LocHal
Burg. Brokxlaan 1000
Plan your route


Conny van Rooij
Conny van Rooij
leiderschap toekomst future leadership kwantum creatie verbinden samenwerken inspireren motiveren resilliance veerkracht adaptiviteit