Leading through Uncertainties with Mental Health Awareness

Leading through Uncertainties with Mental Health Awareness
26 April 2024
17:30 - 19:00
2 aanmeldingen

Are you leading yourself and your team through uncertain times?

As we live in an increasingly changing world, we’re experiencing more uncertainties.

Studies show how uncertainties impact our mental health negatively, increasing chronic stress, and the likelihood of depression and overall health problems.

Join this experiential workshop and gain practical insights into the S.A.F.E. principles.
* Lead by example, actionable safety, trust, and empowerment
* Redefining mental health in the big picture/holistic way
* Co-creating mental health and wellbeing as a team

GET YOUR TICKET on NIO App (preferred): https://m.eu.nio.com/module_10008/activity?id=754cUM7EJyj5lSSF&isShow=false
or EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.nl/e/tickets-leading-through-uncertainties-at-nio-house-rotterdam-884748144517?aff=oddtdtcreator

Looking forward to meeting you!

About the facilitator
Irene Anggreeni is a wellness leadership coach, certified dance movement therapist and mental health advocate. In her previous career as an engineer, she experienced first hand how organizational change worsens her mental health struggle. As a coach, having supported leaders through mental and emotional rollercoasters due to changes, she created this workshop to give practical handles for leading in a trauma-informed way and with care for each other.

Welcome and introduction


Intro topic + SAFE principles


Closing + Q&A + Networking

NIO House Rotterdam
Meent 80
3011JN Rotterdam
Plan je route


Irene Anggreeni
Irene Anggreeni
leadership change management mental health wellbeing at work team leadership facilitation team building psychological safety emotional intelligence